Giving Thanks to My Favorite Holiday

Daily writing prompt
What is your favorite holiday? Why is it your favorite?

There are a few great holidays I enjoy that gave me a problem choosing one. Christmas has families together, beautiful red and green decorations, memorable holiday songs, cookies and of course, tv specials and movies. Easter has a good feast, an annual egg hunt and it welcomes spring. I also had an interest in celebrating Hispanic and Spanish holidays like Cinco de Mayo and Dia de los Muertos. But in the end, Thanksgiving still rains supreme in my books.

Thursday isn’t my favorite day of the week, but Thanksgiving is an exception since its the fourth Thursday in November in America. This holiday came from the campaign created by Sarah Josepha Hale, The same woman who wrote the nursery rhyme “Mary Had a Little Lamb”. She sent letters to some U.S. presidents for about 17 years. Abraham Lincoln answered her letter and made it a national holiday in 1863. Sarah is often nicknamed the “Mother of Thanksgiving”.

Thanksgiving is my favorite holiday for many reasons.

#1 The Feast

The holiday food on Thanksgiving is only made once or twice a year. The autumn flavors are so good that it’s hard for me to wait every year. Turkey, dressing, cranberry sauce, green beans (not green bean casserole), mashed potatoes, mac and cheese and pie (I’m a pumpkin fan myself, almost my entire family prefers apple). But the best part in my opinion is the leftovers.

#2 The Parade

I love watching the Thanksgiving Day Parade every year. My grandma introduced me to it. The best one I believe is the Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade. Broadway performers do musical numbers and floats, balloons, clowns and marching bands walk down the streets of New York. And of course, the big finale where Santa Claus appears at the end of the parade, welcoming the holiday season.

#3 A Charlie Brown Thanksgiving

This Peanuts special is one of my favorites. I’m not giving out a lot of spoilers. All I can say is the funniest part of this special is Snoopy fighting a fold-up beach chair. You’ll have to watch it for yourself.

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